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NSA of 7 countries will talk on Afghanistan in Delhi, why Pakistan-China refused to come?

NSA of 7 countries will talk on Afghanistan in Delhi, why Pakistan-China refused to come?

NSA of 7 countries will talk on Afghanistan in Delhi, why Pakistan-China refused to come?

NSAs from 7 countries will meet in Delhi on November 10 and 11. The meeting was convened by India on the issue of Afghanistan. However, Pakistan has refused to attend the meeting. The Taliban came to power in Afghanistan three months ago. India has weakened diplomatically in Afghanistan since the change of power. This meeting is considered very important.

Why is India holding this meeting?  Which countries will be participating in this meeting?  What will be the agenda of the meeting?

Let's know...

Why is the meeting taking place in India?

The meeting was initiated due to security concerns of Afghanistan's neighbors following the changed situation in Afghanistan. All these regional stakeholders and important powers have been invited to this meeting. The meeting will discuss the current situation and future of Afghanistan.

The Secretariat of the National Security Council of India is hosting this in-person meeting. Invitations have been extended to all of Afghanistan's neighbors to attend the meeting. It includes Pakistan, Iran, Tajikistan and Uzbekistan, as well as Russia and China.

So is Pakistan getting involved in this conference? 

No, that's not happening.  Moeed Yousuf, Pakistan's national security adviser, said last week that he would not attend the meeting. Pakistan claims that India has played a negative role in Afghanistan. Opposing him, he will not attend the meeting. "I am not leaving because the spoiler can never be a peace envoy," Yusuf told a news conference. The problems in this area are against everyone. There is no need to talk about this. Yusuf said that if peace was established in Pakistan, it could become a big market.

What is India's position on Pakistan's refusal?

Sources close to the government say Pakistan's refusal shows its mindset on Afghanistan. Where, he has played a devastating role. Pakistan has never participated in such a meeting before.

Will countries other than Pakistan be involved in this meeting?

Russia and Iran, along with the five Central Asian states, have agreed to attend the meeting. This is the first time that all Central Asian countries are participating in such a format. A total of 7 countries have agreed to attend the meeting. These include Iran, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Russia, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan.

China was also called, isn't it?

The possibility of China's arrival was being expressed till Monday. On Monday, China expressed inability to attend the meeting. China, in its response, said it was unable to attend the meeting due to "scheduling problems". However, according to sources, China has said it will continue talks with the bilateral channel on India's issue.

What will be the agenda of this meeting?  

According to reports, the NSA meet will discuss concerns related to cross-border terrorism, the presence of terrorist organizations. At the same time, the dangers of growing extremism and fundamentalism in Afghanistan due to political instability will also be discussed.

Security challenges after the Taliban came to power will be the most important agenda of the meeting. The meeting will also discuss the formation and recognition of an inclusive government in Afghanistan. In the last 20 years, India has done a lot of development work in Afghanistan. India has also played a major role in the connectivity project between Central Asia and Afghanistan.

Whether it is the Chabahar port project in Iran or the gas pipeline project between Turkmenistan-Afghanistan-Pakistan-India, India has played an important role in all this. The break in this can also be discussed in this meeting. The future of this project can be decided after this meeting.

Meetings have been held on this format before, what happened to it?

Earlier, two meetings were held in Iran on this format. These meetings were held in September 2018 and December 2019. The third meeting was to be held in India but was postponed due to Corona.

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